

Cesta k vytvoreniu spoločnosti bez práce a peňazí

aké sú kroky k vytvoreniu rajskej spoločnosti bez práce a bez nutnosti pracovať? Prečo je len jedno jediné riešenie - paradizmus... ?

Paradizmus video

Paradizmus prinesie skutočný Raj na Zemi.

The Empathic Civilisation

We are not softwired for aggression and self-interest. We are actually softwired to be empathic towards others. We are sociable beings seeking to belong, seeking to love and be loved.

Rael on Paradism

Rael explains Paradism. A world that will support everybody's happiness.

Planned obsolescence and the deferring of the abundance

Goods are designed not to last in order to ensure the high level of prices and keep people in jobs. A nonsensical reaction of the consumer society to protect itself against the forces that are bringing about a society without work and money.

We'll make it a paradise

Music video about Paradism